Κ3- Tunnel fireplace


Double-Sided Fireplace

The double-sided fireplace epitomizes flexibility and architectural innovation. Designed to unify two different spaces, it offers an unparalleled fire experience, creating unity and coherence in interior design.

Technical Specifications

Advanced Combustion Technology

Secondary and tertiary combustion for maximum efficiency and cleaner operation.

Controlled Combustion Air Supply: Diameter Ø80mm for combustion regulation.

Dual Suction Fan: 730m³/h output for optimal heat circulation.

Automatic Damper: Horizontally applied for ease and precision.

Design & Safety

Ceramic Glass Resistant up to 800°C: Safe and durable at high temperatures.

Digital Control Panel: Easy adjustment of every parameter.

Smoke Deflector: Increased efficiency.

Safety: Minimum distance from flammable materials 800mm.

Technical Dimensions


Air ducts: Ø125mm

Chimney: Ø250mm

External Dimensions: From 740x650mm to 2240x650mm (with gradual increase of 100mm).

Internal Dimensions: From 620x500mm to 2120x500mm (with gradual increase of 100mm).

Fireplace Height: 1650mm.

This series is also available in natural convection.
We design and manufacture fireplaces in customized dimensions to meet your needs upon request.